Math 1113 Pre-Calculus
Announcement(April 11, 2012):
For test-3, please download and solve study guide for test-4.
Announcement(Wednesday, March 28, 2012):
HW5 is assigned in mymathlab, please solve the problems.
Due date of the all HW except HW5 are extended until Friday, April 20, 2012.
Announcement(March 14, 2012):
For test-3, please download and solve study guide for test-3.
Due date of the all HW are extended until Monday, March 26 2012.
Announcement(February 20, 2012):
For test-2, please download and solve study guide for test-2.
Announcement(February 1, 2012):
For test-1, please download and solve Practice Test-1.